I never posted about Mother's Day which was over a month ago. Not much to report. I had a weekend of great food and family time.
The important thing that me not mentioning Mother's Day kept from you all...the sweetest little gift I've ever received in my life. Hudson made his gift for me at school. He made a candle holder. Its covered in multi colored tissue paper to give it a mosaic look. It was accompanied by a card that he colored. It said "Mommy you are the light of my life." I don't know how many pieces of the tissue he actually glued and how many his teachers helped with, but just knowing that those sweet little hands that I created, made such a precious gift for me. I teared up when I picked him up from school that day. He ran forward and was so proud of his art work. Being a mom is a precious gift. It's an incredible concept that I have been trusted with this amazing human being. He was given to me to love, guide and so many other things. I love him with all my heart--in a way that only another mother can relate to. Moms are amazing creatures too. We are able to endure so much and able to give an unconditional love I never knew was possible.
Thank you for my gift, Hudson. YOU are the light of MY life. I love you!

Yeah...its a cell phone pic because sometimes I'm too lazy to get out the big camera!
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