We had a fun little family gathering with my mother-in-law's side of the family this past weekend. I always love opportunities to show off my little man. Here are a few photos from the party.

The Hollis' and Santa

Hudson was very excited about his gift from Santa. Christmas morning should be lots of fun!

I went up with Hudson to see Santa. Check out Hudson's expression! Haha!!

I just loved the way little Eady looked at Santa--such an innocent child-like gleam in her eye.

Santa came to our party! (aka Uncle John--a member of the real bearded Santa association)

Cousin Katie led us in Christmas carols while waiting on Santa to arrive.

Hudson enjoying a candy cane in Auntie Em's lap.

Four Generations--Maw Maw, Becky, Lantis and Hudson-working on a candy cane. Hehe!

The Reaves siblings with their mom and our sweet Maw Maw

My little sis in law, Emma, and her man, Nick. I nearly died when I realized Em was old enough to bring a boyfriend to the family gathering. She was 7 years old when Lantis and I started dating! My how the time flies. Our little Em is growing up.

Let the grazing begin

Hudson found the cupcakes, of course.

Aunt Cherry and Josie

Aunt Nancy preparing the ham. (Lantis sneaking into something-probably chocolate-in the background)

The beautiful Parks girls
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