I thought it was time for a school update. Hudson is doing great and seems to love school more everyday. He is learning so much. He cries less every time I drop him off. Today when I picked him up his teachers said that today was the best day he's had so far. They said he really came out of his shell today. They said for the first time in two weeks he laid his blankie down and didn't carry it all day. When I got there this afternoon I stood in the doorway for a second where he couldn't see me and I watched him play. He was playing with another little girl--they were throwing a ball around. So cute! He gets a report card everyday when we leave and he always gets a good report: "Hudson ate all his lunch, takes a long nap everyday, played well with others, chatty, helpful, cooperative, happy, etc". Today's report card included most of those things, plus it said he "smiled and giggled all day." His teacher said that during music time he stood up and showed them his dance moves. That's my Hudson. He makes things and brings them home at least once a week. This is the very first thing that he made and brought home. It is displayed proudly on the refrigerator.
I had a friend make a napmat for him. Lee is the queen of all things sewing. When it comes to sewing, appliques, and monogramming, no one does it better. You should see the outfits that she makes for little girls! OMG! Its a good thing that I dont have a girl or she would get my entire paycheck. She has started selling her handmade goods to some boutiqes! I'm very excited for her! Here is the napmat that she made Hudson. I LOVE it! It has a lot of padding, a blankie, his name on the inside, it rolls up nicely, has his name on the outside, with a carrying strap. A+!
Keep your fingers crossed that the good reports from school keep coming. We have open house next Thursday night and I can't wait to see his classmates, their parents and his teachers. Hopefully he's made daddy and I something special and will introduce us to all his friends! :)
I LOVE that napmat- kind of makes me sad that Wyatt won't need one at his new school- because I would love to have one of those :)