Handsome little man.

clapping--"yay, we're going to school!"

Today is a big day for us--Hudson started school! He was such a sweetheart this morning. We got up, ate breakfast together, and got ready for school and work. As soon as we walked through the doors of Brook Hills, he started crying. He knew I was about to leave him. The tears had turned to screams by the time we made it to his classroom. I unloaded his things into his cubby and turned to leave. He had found comfort in Mrs. Stacey's arms by this point and I waved to him and told him good-bye. He looked so pitiful sitting in her lap with alligator tears streaming down his face. If that wasn't torture enough, he then waves to me and blows me a kiss through the tears and snot. I nearly melted on the floor and knew I needed to race to my car before I lost it also. I'll be headed back to pick him up in a couple of hours. I'm sure he's had a great time today playing with new friends, playing on the playground, eating lunch, and napping on a mat like a big boy. These first few weeks will be an adjustment for him, (and me) I'm sure, but this too shall pass.
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