Friday was Hudson's SECOND birthday! My baby boy is TWO!! I cannot believe that this time two years ago he was just a tiny baby. It all went by so quickly. He is such a big boy and very independent.
Here's what he's up to: He wants to do every thing by himself and he wants to "help" mommy and daddy with everything. I welcome the help because if I am patient and take a few minutes to explain things to him, he'll actually do a good job. His vocabulary is huge now. It seemed like overnight he was saying things that I had no clue he knew how to say. He speaks in paragraphs now, not just broken sentences. Matter of fact, he never shuts up! He talks constantly. He repeats everything we say. When we explain things to him, he repeats it--like he needs to reassure himself that we're right! Of course, just like every mom, I think he's the smartest thing that ever lived. :) He loves to be outside--will fight me tooth and nail to get outside. I can already tell that the summer days are going to be hard! He loves to read. He loves hot wheel cars and monster trucks. He got a new train set for his birthday that he loves. He loves his toy tools, vacuum cleaner, shovels, etc because those enable him to help mom and dad even more. He loves his daily routine and you could set the clock by it. Wake up, drink milk, play, watch imagination movers on non-school days, eat a snack, play, eat lunch, nap, play outside if we can, wash up for dinner, help mommy cook, eat dinner, play and read books, drink milk, bath and brush teeth, say bedtime prayers and night-night. I could go on and on about how much he amazes me, how in love with him I am, and how I can't wait to see him grow more every day. You're all moms and you can all relate so I spare you all the gushing. ;-)
Friday I took the day off work to have a Hudson day and do absotely anything and everything he wanted to do. Turns out it was beautiful on Friday and we were literally able to spend the entire day outside playing--we even ate lunch and dinner on the deck. I think he had a blast. He entertains himself for long periods of time now--either in his room or outside. It allows me to get a lot done. Friday while we played outside he did his own thing for awhile and I was able to get a lot done in the yard before guests started coming over to celebrate his birthday.

Good morning birthday boy!
Of course we can't say good morning without milk and a monster truck.

Later Friday afternoon we made cupcakes.

Friday night the grandparents and cousins came over for cupcakes and presents. He got this adorable firetruck from my mom and dad. It has a water tank on the back of it with a sprayer. He can help us water the plants. He loved the fire truck! Good choice Mammy and Deedah!

About to blow out the candle...

sampling his cupcakes...its a keeper!

Lantis and I found this great train set for Hudson. In addition to the swing set, some clothes, and a few small things, this was his present from mommy and daddy. He loved it! Daddy, Hudson, Grayson and Bailey (my sister's children) all pitched in and helped put it together.

Hudson with Lantis' parents and sister: Bebe, Poppy, and Emma (or Memma is what Hud calls her)

Hudson with my parents: Mammy and Deedah

We had our close friends over Saturday evening for a last minute party. These photos are Hudson playing in his room with his train and airplane before guests arrived. (Yes, I did wash his shirt from him wearing it the previous day!)

Stop taking my picture mommy!

The party gets started when Lulu and Gagoo arrive (Jason and Alesha). Lulu had to test out the new swings.

Hudson and his best buddy, Gavin. They are only 4 months apart and we think they could pass as brothers!

I'll give you a knuckle sandwich. Ha! This is too funny!! I don't know what they were talking about.

We had the cornhole game out for the adults, but the kiddos enjoyed it too. I guess this is toddler cornhole.

Averi, Hudson and Gavin

Averi is such a sweet girl. I think the boys are too wild for her! She's so laid back, but she tries to hang in there with them.

We were singing happy birthday to Hudson and you can tell he's loving it.

Opening presents! A stool from Gavin and his mommy. It has pirates and boats on it and matches his room.

The sidewalk chalk was a hit...

Even for dad...

Mr. Potato head! Thank you Miss Gina!

He loved ripping paper out this year.

Blowing bubbles...

Miss Julie gave him this gigantic bubble blower and they loved it! Lulu was the master bubble blower...

waiting impatiently for more!

loving the bubbles!!! He was soaked in bubble solution.

They had a blast! ...and so did we!