First and most importantly: thank you to all the troops and veterans who have and are fighting for our freedom so that I can enjoy a weekend with my family and friends. Thank you to the families of those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country.
So let the festivities begin.
Friday night we went over to the Courson's to swim, eat pizza, play pin ball, and of course listen to a Jason and Hudson play a few tunes on the guitars.
Saturday we spent the entire day out on the water with friends and watched fireworks on the water that night. Here are a few pics of our day on the lake.
Julie and Alesha
Sunday was spent recuperating from a long day on the water the previous day. Finally Sunday afternoon we went out and got some ribs from the new little rib shack in Leeds, Huck's. I have to say they have the best ribs I've ever had!! It was great. Hudson loves it because they have a giant pig and chicken on top of the building. Then we went home for kid-friendly fireworks in the driveway. This picture just cracks me up! Hudson wasn't scared of the sparklers or fireworks, but he was acting silly and it sure looks like he was!
Monday I had the bright idea to try to get some updated pics of our little family. We went to my in-laws house and used some beautiful settings in and around their house. Silly me, I should know that when Bebe and Poppy are around, nothing else matters. Especially not my camera. I didn't get many good shots, so we'll have to try again on a day when its just the three of us. Here are a few half-way ok ones.
Hudson with Bebe and Poppy.

I actually do like this one! :)

he just keeps getting cuter:)