Monday, August 23, 2010

Back in the grind

This week marks the beginning of Hudson's second year at school. Tuesday we will become backpack wearing, lunch box toting, nap mat users all over again. This time last year I was just starting my blog and Hudson was only 18 months old and was entering his first school year. You can see that post here. Every one tells you to enjoy it because the time will fly, but you can't imagine it until you blink and not only is the first school year over, but the second one is starting.

Hudson is stoked to get back to school. We went to meet the teacher and orientation last Friday and he seemed to love his teachers and class mates. He even has a few familiar faces in his class. I loved his teachers as well! I am going to miss the sweet ladies that he had last year and they have some big shoes to be filled, but I have no doubts that these ladies are going to do the job.

We were so glad last year that we decided to put him in school. We saw that boy grow leaps and bounds! I can't say enough about the positive changes and influences we saw come from it. I am excited to see what God has in store for my baby boy this school year. There is nothing that melts my heart more than hearing him come home from school with a new song, a new prayer, or new art work.

I have just enough OCD tendencies that I'm actually excited to get back into our routine and have some structure again. I feel like the last three months have been a free for all. So...tomorrow we're back in the grind!

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