Lantis, I'm so thankful that you are in my life and so happy to be your wife. You are such a smart, hard-working man. You have taught me so much about life, love and myself. You challenge me daily and inspire me to be better all the time. I can't thank you enough for the unending support you've given me and I wouldn't be where I am right now without it. I can't imagine a life without you. I love you so much and thank you for loving me even when it hasn't been easy.
Ok these are yuck photos because it was late and I was too lazy to set my camera to get some good shots without a flash. Oh well. I'm tired. Deal with it. Its a wonder I got my camera out at all!
Lantis and Hudson. Our serious photo look.
Here's a look back in time...
Our graduation cruise in 2002...yes, he was graduating college and me from high school. We'd been dating about a year.

The first company event I attended with him. Probably 2003-ish.

I don't know what year this was for sure, but maybe 94. I don't know who the lucky date was, but I know I would have totally dug his Zack Morris hair. I also know for a fact that he had the phone to match.

This is what I have to look forward to. Some men play it safe with hunting, hiking, and fishing. The Hollis men are a long line of dare devils. Lantis already has his and Hudson's first bikes picked out.

I love this picture. Too cute. They look like they are having a blast.

I see a little Hudson somewhere in this pic.

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