I think we've all established the fact that we southern girls LOVE the fall. That's all I've heard about on recent blogs, facebook posts and twitters. I couldn't agree more sisters! I'm all about the break in the intense summer heat, the crunchy leaves beneath my feet, the crispness in the air, the smell of warm cinnamon-y goodness coming from the kitchen, the ability to pour lots of stuff into the crock pot and let it cook all day and call it supper, new season premiers on TV, and college football, just like the rest of you. However, there's one thing that everyone keeps forgetting to mention--another reason to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE fall is FASHION! OMG! I live for fall fashion. I'm a shop-a-holic year round, but it gets somewhat out of control when fall comes around. When I say shop-a-holic, I'm talking I have a salesperson that calls me weekly to inform me that they are holding items for me until I get there to try them on. Someone needs to take control of my shopping habit. Anyway, back to fall: Its when the fashion gurus tell us what we are and aren't supposed to wear for the next year. This is such an important time. Fall fashion sets the precedent for the entire year--later in the year they just alter a few things, make it shorter, thiner, more strap-y and cooler and call it summer wear. So go get your Vogue's, In Style, or Harper's Bazaar magazines and start shopping! Here are a few things I've picked up in the last couple of weeks that I'm super excited about wearing.

If you've seen me in the last two weeks, you've seen this Betsy in tow. I love her.

Much more comfy than they look, I promise.

Miss Me jeans--not the exact pair that I bought, but very similar. Lots of booty bling. :-/

Love these cuffed skinny jeans! I've already worn these a couple of times. Love em!

These are super comfy. I'm wearing these on the days when I have to walk a million miles around the hospital.
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