Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Christmas countdown

Only 4 more days till the big guy in the red suit arrives!!! I am so excited, I feel like a child. I haven't been this excited for Christmas in a long time. I think my excitement stems from Hudson. I feel his energy and anticipation and it fuels mine. This is going to be such a fun year with him. He has really grasped the concept this year. I think Christmas morning will be absolutely delightful. A tornado of wrapping paper and squeals and I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

Whenever he gets a present he says "FOR ME!?". It is so sweet! Amazing how things change as we get older and start expecting things.

I love his innocence right now. I know it will only be a matter of time before that precious innocence is gone and it breaks my heart. I hate the thought of all the things he'll be exposed to over time. I just want to bottle him up. There's nothing sweeter than this time we've been given with him. There are days I get so frustrated with him and he drives me crazy. There are times when I want the questions to stop, the whines to come to an end, times I want some peace and quiet besides bedtime, and times that I wish he would stop following me around the house. Then later I feel guilty for wishing those times away because I know this time with him will be fleeting in the grand scheme of things. I know all you moms out there can relate.

Most importantly I pray you all remember the reason for this season and share that with your families. God sent his son to earth. To walk with us in the flesh. To be ridiculed by the ones He made and ultimately die for us. Be thankful.

On a lighter note: here are some pics of Hudson and Santa from last weekend. He loved Santa this year. They were an adorable pair. I hope you all have a very and blessed Merry Christmas!!!!

 He was starstruck.

 Talking to Santa. Look at that little hand. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Merry Christmas to Buddy

So. We have a dog. I know, he is never mentioned on this blog or in any of my conversations. He is usually completely, totally neglected. Poor Buddy. He lives a hard life in captivity with plenty of food and water in a huge backyard. He used to be an inside dog before Hudson came along and when Hudson became mobile Buddy sought refuge in the yard and never really begged to come back in...until it becomes unbearably hot in the summer and cold in the winter. Who can blame him?

He hasn't been in the house in a few months and he was disgusting. Smelly, dirty, and muddy. Poor Buddy.

The temperatures took a plunge to freezing and so that means its time to bring the pup indoors.

For those of you who haven't met Buddy in person: he's huge. He weighs 113 pounds. He is very energetic when new people come around or when guests arrive. He has never used the bathroom in the house--he'll hold it for hours until we come home. He is a pretty good guard dog when he's not eating or sleeping. He loves Lantis and I. He let's Hudson use him as his jungle gym. He is extremely patient with Hudson. I think Hudson drives him crazy following him around the house and talking to him, but he tries not to let it show. He will sleep for hours if you let him. He just lays in whatever room we are in and watches us do our thing. He is literally the perfect family dog. I am so ashamed that I dont mention him more or give him more credit for the wonderful animal that he is.

Lantis and I rescued Buddy when he was about a year old. Now he's somewhere in the neighborhood of 7. He came to us house trained and looking for love. We have adored our years with sweet Buddy. Now we get to watch our child adore Buddy as well. God blessed with a wonderful creature to care for.  

 We had Buddy groomed yesterday so that he could enjoy the comfort of the indoors for the next few cold months. Last night I was able to capture a few sweet moments with Buddy and Huddy. Hudson in his Christmas PJ's and Buddy in his festive collar. They are quite the pair. I love my boys!

 Buddy loved his Christmas collar. Lantis did not.

Hudson and his elf, Theo.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Sacrifice

I have a must read and must see today over on my Lens Envy blog.That's all I can write because I'm too busy crying. :*(


Please thank a soldier and give their family members a big hug.